Fire safety officer
S.S.I.A.P. qualified security guards
We offer you specialised security agents, S.S.I.A.P. agents (Service de Sécurité Incendie et d’Assistance à Personnes) trained to ensure both fire safety and security in establishments open to the public (E.R.P).
Elite SÉCURITÉ provides you with S.S.I.A.P. agents who are qualified according to the new standards.
Indeed, the modified decree of May 2, 2005, establishes the principle of prerequisites necessary for the exercise of the function of S.S.I.A.P. security agent and for registration in the training course that prepares the diploma:
H0B0 diploma: Non-electrical empowerment title
SST diploma: First aid at work
The missions
S.S.I.A.P. qualified security guards carry out the control of installations, safety prevention rounds, and are responsible for managing fire alarms on the S.S.I. (Fire Safety System). They also intervene in the first emergency in the event of fire and assistance to people.
Whatever the nature of the establishment concerned (industrial site, shopping centre, high-rise building, etc.), the fire safety teams play an essential role in preventing the risk of fire on a daily basis, for example by supervising evacuation drills or by making residents (employees, shopkeepers, etc.) aware of fire safety rules (handling and providing information on first aid resources and fire safety instructions).
And if a fire occurs, they provide a professional and efficient interface with the fire brigade.
Fire safety missions
- Fire prevention
- Employee awareness of fire safety
fire safety - Basic maintenance of fire safety equipment
to fire safety - Alerting and receiving emergency services
- Evacuation of the public
- Early intervention in case of fire
- Assistance to people
- Operation of the fire safety control centre
- Compliance with health and safety at work
in the field of fire safety - Management of the safety team
- Training of personnel in fire safety
- Technical forecasting within the framework of
by safety regulations (e.g. issuing fire permits) - Basic maintenance of the means contributing to
to fire safety - Assistance to people
Management of the security post
during disasters.
- Management of the fire safety service
- Advice to the head of the establishment in matters of fire safety
- Assistance to people
- Monitoring inspection and maintenance obligations
- Organising internal emergency services
► Commercial brochure
► They trust us
24-hour mobile alarm response unit – Active security rounds – Security – Guarding – Fire safety – Dog unit